
Thursday, December 17, 2015


V I S I T I N G ... The Christmas Village in LOVE Park. I love to see the tree behind the LOVE sign but I don't like the actual Christmas Village. I'm not sure if I'll make it down to the one in Franklin Square this year, that one looks awesome.

R E A D I N G ... my fifth book in a little over a week - The Family by Melissa Kennerson. I've been devouring books.

M A R V E L L I N G ... over the fact that a Joe Dirt 2 exists. I never heard of it. Apparently it was bad, and I want to know if it was bad the way Joe Dirt was bad, because that was good bad. 

L O V I N G ... this shore-themed Christmas gift from the lovely Amanda MeeMee. The candles smell amazing and I was wanting something with the coordinates on there...even though I can't read a map to save my life.
And the sassy gift, pug cards,  and cookies from Kerry. Mug love, bag love - hits two of my spots!

F E E L I N G ... college-ish. I love papasan chairs - I always have, and I always will. I ordered one for the efficiency porch at the shore in cobalt blue. I am so excited. I'll be even more excited if the cushions on the right come back in stock to go in the other two chairs out there.

C O N T O R T I N G ... myself on the couch to accommodate three dogs while behind us, MFD slumbers peacefully, spread out. Mae blacks out in these photos, she's right against my leg in the first one.
E A T I N G ... healthy-ish...why do the cookies have to be on the way to the fruit?

A C C E P T I N G ... That I was too ambitious in dreaming up our family trip to Europe next year. I have officially given up London after six iterations of an itinerary trying to cram it in. Paris and Ireland it is. 

Fill me in...what's going on with you this month?

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Linking up with Kristin and Joey

Stuff, Things, etc.


  1. I like the pics of you contorting around the true! The photo of your husband on the couch with the lights in the window is really pretty! Love that you got that candle gift for the shore house--yummy smelling candles for the win!

  2. London will always be there and Ireland is definitely on my destination list for sometime soon! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. The dogs usually go to sleep before I do. I often pick them up and move them and they're never happy about it.

    Ooo, I like the coordinates. That's a good idea.

    There's been cookies everywhere lately. This is why I'm not baking as much as I'd like...who needs that right in front of them all the time.

  4. I am doing the opposite of devouring books and haven't finished one in a couple weeks now! Your Europe trip still sounds amazing but it's too bad that wasn't working out. The pictures of you vs. MFD on the couches are hilarious.

  5. WHAT! I work at movie store and didn't even know Joe Dirt 2 existed. I feel like I need to hunt it down...

  6. I had heard they were making a Joe Dirt 2 but I didn't know it had already been released? I hope it's gloriously good bad like the first one.

  7. How do you like The Family so far? Who is the author of the other cult book that you recommended, Acadia? Is it the Acadia series? I just finished a decent thriller, Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter. It's one of those really twisted and freaky books. I need to hit the library because I'm spending too much on kindle books. The Paris and Ireland trip sounds amazing!

  8. Drinking: coffee
    Wishing: I could handle 999 cups of coffee
    Dreading: how much is not done for Christmas
    Watching: the tree, which IS done
    Reading: the same book from 2 months ago! Sophie's Choice. WTH? Will I EVER have the time to finish it?
    Wearing: flip flops still
    Collecting: SOCIAL FUCKING SECURITY! Officially old. Rite of passage...

  9. I would go just to the Christmas market just to see the decorations! They look so pretty by the LOVE sign! Why is that husbands can always be super comfortable and then the wives are always the one being smothered by everybody else? I love cuddling with my puppy, but my husband is always way more comfortable than me!

  10. What a wonderful life! Lol on the pugs nestling up against their mom! Those candles are awesome! We are living the dream! Love. Your. Momma.

  11. 5th book in a week?! that is impressive. I am working on my 5th book of the month... I need to up my game! i love the pic of the love and the tree- despite the christmas market. now i need to get to cuddling some pups over here.

  12. Amanda's gifts she's been sending to friends have been the cutest - she's so thoughtful.

    I am so jealous of your reading & how much you are getting in!

  13. I love those chairs & the color! I liked the first Joe Dirt but couldn't believe they made a second one. I haven't seen it though.

  14. Oh I loved my papasan chair in college!! That color is so pretty! That Christmas village also looks fantastic. We are spending a couple of days in Delaware this Christmas, so I'd love to make a trip up to Philly!

  15. I love these kinds of posts and I have fond memories of Philly at Christmastime. I feel your pain with having to give up on London. Whenever we travel, I'm always trying to squeeze in as many places as we can so we can experience more and get more bang for our buck after flying somewhere. I think it will be better though to truly enjoy the places you will already see.

  16. There's a Joe Dirt 2?! WHY?

    I love the beach scented candles. We went to the Yankee Candle outlet over the weekend and I refrained from buying any. Too many candles already. It's becoming a sickness.

  17. So love your contorting portion! Ha! Oh dogs, just the best thing ever. We have to do that so much with one, I can’t imagine with 3. Also, the image of your MFD under the lights on the couch looks so unbelievably cozy. And I love your shore gifts! Nice representation of the year. Also, I think it’s good to spend quality over quantity so good on you for being realistic. We had 3 days at the end of our France trip where his mom wasn’t there and we kept debating like should we take the train to Amsterdam, or what? But it ended up being so nice that we didn’t because we got to explore a lot of nooks and crannies. Amsterdam for us (and London for you) are on the next trip! Dying to go to Ireland.

  18. Those candles are amazing and perfect for your shore house! And whaaaaaat at Joe Dirt 2? No.. just no!

  19. Love the shore-themed gift! Salt-water taffy is what I always associate with beach vacation! Also, never knew the actual name for those "circles chairs" as I always call them- My grandma has one and it's my favorite place to lounge!

  20. What sweet gifts from Amanda and Kerry! How exciting you're planning a Europe trip...I was hoping to finally make it over there in 2016 but that in itself is looking over ambitious.

  21. Papasan chairs are awesome and really perfect for shore houses, I think. Love those shore-themed candles! Such sweet gifts you got. Bloggers are awesome.

  22. i was too ambitious planning our trip in june as well, and i think i might be a bit too ambitious planning our australia trip in 2017, we'll see.
    love all those gifts! that bag is fabulous.
    i have been on the opposite end of book reading.. i feel like everything i am in the mood for is a series, and i'm not in the mood for a series. i keep picking up books and putting them down, blegh. hoping it will pick up this weekend, we'll see.

  23. Papasan chairs! We had one all through college and I fell many, many times. Haha! Vodka and papasans don't mix. But you know what? It never broke! I bet my kids would like one. I read two books over the weekend and haven't picked another one up since. I don't know that I'll have time to read for the next two weeks and that bums me out a little.

  24. I have a very weird love of Joe Dirt, and was SO excited when the 2nd one came out, but then I forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me! I actually have that papasan chair, which I bought in college, and it still serves me well. I love reading in it. Unfortunately, I've been in a reading rut. Nothing is really pulling me in. You got some awesome goodies!

  25. Joe Dirt 2 was just PLAIN bad... not good bad. Pete watched it a few weeks or so ago and I heard bits and pieces... absolutely terrrrrible.
    So glad you liked your gift! :) Kerry got you some cute stuff, too... those are SO you!!!
    I love those chairs, too... I would love to curl up in one with a book or for a nap.

  26. The sun and sand candle is my absolute favorite candle scent ever. Enjoy!

  27. Yeahhhh, we ended up ditching London on our trip too. Maybe this time. We're flying in and out of there as it stands right now. I really need to go back to Philly though. It's such a beautiful city. I just put in a proposal to present at a conference in May... thought it was in Philly. Just looked at it again... it's Pittsburgh. :-P

  28. Wait Joe Dirt 2?! Love the coordinates, that is a great idea! So glad you like your gift. I hope to get some reading done this weekend, I've been slacking.

  29. omg, my cousins had a papasan chair in the 90's and it was my favorite thing about visiting their house. I'm pretty sure I even asked my parents for a papasan chair for christmas one year...I didn't get it, and i'm still not over it :(

  30. I'm still so in love with your window decorations!!
    That mug is awesome.

  31. I want to see Joe Dirt 2 as well since I really loved the first one....but I have heard some pretty awful things about it! Eh toss up.

    The mug is adorable.

    I share your pain on the whole getting comfy thing. Between the dogs and Kyra I never have space and Robert is always all spread out and I'm horribly jealous.


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