
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Brew some of the world's strange coffee mixes

Hello friends! As you may know by my Saturday and Sunday coffee posts on Instagram and my general talk of coffee otherwise, I love it. I thought this article by Sophie White would be a good fit. It was interesting to me and I hope it's interesting to you as well. I hope you enjoy it! 
Coffee can be prepared in several variations. Sugar and creamer are most commonly mixed with this bitter brew. Although some may prefer their coffee black and bitter, others would opt to have a sugar cube or two to appeal to their taste.

Yet coffee drinkers around the world have their own particular blends that is unique to their geographical location. Many of these concoctions are as strange and unimaginable from the ones coffee drinkers are accustomed to. From cat droppings to burning hot charcoal, find out more of these out of this world coffee mixes that seemed too bizarre to be true.

Kopi Luwak

Also known as Civet Coffee, Indonesia’s famous brew is one of the rarest and the most expensive in the world with the tag price of US$50 per cup to US$700 per kilogram. This coffee is made from the droppings of a cat species found in the country called the luwak (asian palm civet).

Not for the faint hearted and those with upset stomach, the coffee is made by the luwaks consuming the coffee beans. And since the beans can’t be fully digested, it is eliminated along with the rest of the droppings.

Kopi Gu You (Coffee with Butter)

Butter has many cooking uses but mixing them with coffee is a surprise. This Singaporean brew uses butter to make coffee thicker and richer.

Coffee with Eggs

Have you ever tried egg coffee? Egg coffee is made by combining the whole egg - shells included with coffee. Other countries have their own version of egg coffee while the famous Vietnamese coffee blends egg with sweetened condensed milk.

Black Ivory Coffee

Dubbed as the world’s most expensive coffee priced at a whopping $ 1,100 per kilogram, the black ivory coffee is taken from the dung of an elephant. Like the luwak, the elephant’s stomach cannot digest the coffee beans. Despite its ghastly origin, the coffee lacks bitterness and is super smooth.

Kopi Joss

How about some charcoal for your coffee? Made in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, this particular coffee is made using the Javanese style coffee and a piece of flaming hot charcoal. The charcoal is added to neutralize the coffee’s acidity which why this is good for those with upset stomach.

Jacu Bird Coffee

Like kopi luwak and the black ivory coffee, this specific brew comes from the droppings of the jacu bird in Brazil and is less bitter than ordinary coffee.

Cheese and Coffee

Cheese can now be paired with coffee. This coffee creation dunks cheese into hot coffee before being consumed it when it’s soft. Hispanics use gouda or edam while the Swedes use Kaffeost
or Leipäjuusto.

Coffee with a pinch of Salt

A favorite in the countries of Siberia, Turkey, Hungary and Ethiopia, a pinch of salt cuts down the coffee’s bitterness.

Coffee and Citrus

Sau Paulo, Brazil has café com limão (espresso with lime) while Italy has espresso with lemon peel or juice. The citrus in the coffee blend serves as a great remedy to migraine and sweetens up badly roasted coffee.

Coffee and Peppercorn

Moroccans love their coffee with a kick so they put in peppercorns to the mix. Aside from peppercorns they also use cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom pods, cloves and other spices.

Whether coffee is made from animal droppings or mixed with condiments, nothing satisfies the taste buds of an avid coffee drinker than a good cup of coffee.

Sophie White is a foodie blogger based in Australia. She is passionate about all things food related and is an accomplished home cook herself. With a tongue for all dishes local and international, she leads the online marketing campaign for the Australian coffee brand Coffee Galleria. 


  1. I actually DO use butter in my coffee, as well as coconut oil :) It doesn't taste as odd as it sounds!

  2. Okay I like coffee but some of those are really expensive and cat poop, just no! Citrus is a good one though.

  3. I've tried butter. Do NOT plan to try droppings any time soon. Salt sounds like it's worth a try. But I drink my daily coffee with a little local raw honey and a decent amount of light cream.

  4. Poop coffee is a little too extreme for me, but I'd try some of the other things listed. If we're using the "regular" coffee pot (as opposed to the Keurig), I usually add either cinnamon or nutmeg to the grounds. So good!

    I know this isn't coffee, but I tried Yak Butter Tea while in Tibet years ago. It was one of the most disgusting things I've ever had. Haha.

  5. POOP coffee??????? I mean, I love poop... but no.

  6. I laugh at poop coffee, I don't think I'd ever drink it knowingling.

    I've always wanted to try Swedish coffee [with eggs] I hear it's amazing. And I'm intrigued by coffee with butter.

  7. I've been told to try the salt in my coffee. I might just have to do it! I used to love adding some cinnamon to my coffee grounds before my allergy developed. I love the taste it adds!

  8. I will stick with grinding my own 8 o' clock coffee beans ! I like skim milk and Truvia. Was using sweet n low for years, but switched a year ago! Very interesting, though.
    Love. Steph's Momma


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