
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Everything!

Can I just say I love being married to someone who likes to do shit like this for a laugh?
Because I do. I love it.

Today and every day I'm counting my blessings...
for the framily in my circle,
for my job, my health, and my home,
and for all the other big and small things that make this life a wonderful life.

I'm especially thankful that I know - regardless of the petty bullshit and annoyances, the assholes I encounter, the periods of dissatisfaction, the times things don't go my way, or the stumbling blocks I hit  - that I do indeed have a wonderful life. I roll with the bad days because they allow me to truly appreciate how good the good days are. 

I am rich in ways a lot of people in this world will never know, and that humbles me. My parents and family laid a great foundation of love and encouragement for me and you cannot put a price tag on that. So regardless of what else you gift others with this year, please make the first gift love and encouragement for the people around you. Lifting each other up is a vital part of the human condition. Shine your light on others. Participate. Receive. 

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas Eve & Day.
Your time together is the true present and better than anything you can buy at a store. 
Enjoy and HAVE FUN!

 photo redsig_zps5103b6e2.jpg


  1. hahaha I love that photo! Y'all are awesomely hilarious!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. That is absolutely fantastic.

    Merry Christmas!

  3. I LOVE this post! Merry Everything to you too!

  4. Great post as usual and a fantastic reminder to appreciate the good things! Merry everything to you and MFD as well!!!

  5. Merry Christmas to the blogger who keeps it the most real... and MFD who is the only grown man who will rock a bunny onsie like nobody's business!!

  6. some days I truly wish MFD was a friend of mine (you too of course!) he is so freaking hilarious.

    merry x-mas!!

  7. Love this and that pic is awesome! Merry Christmas!!

  8. This picture is the most awesomest of all pictures!!!! Merry Christmas, friend!

  9. It's always great to reflect on life and appreciate all that we have!! Merry Christmas eve!

  10. I love MFD in that costume, every time. Merry Christmas Doyle household!

  11. I really hope I marry someone that fun. And when I say that I mean I will because no way will I marry some boring fuddy duddy. Happy holidays to you, MFD, & the pugs!

  12. any man who will wear the bunny suit is a keeper!! merry christmas!!

  13. The picture amuses me.

    Merry Christmas!

  14. Just beautiful and perfect!
    See you later today!
    Love you to infinity and beyond!
    Love your Momma!! Merry Christmas!

  15. Merry Christmas to one of the best gifts I ever received.

  16. Merry Christmas, Steph and MFD and Mae and Gus and Geege! :-)

  17. The most fun Christmas card I got. Such an important reminder

  18. hope you had a fantastic day Steph!! And MFD rocks!

  19. "Your time together is the true present and better than anything you can buy at a store." PREACH!

  20. i love this post so much. i want to quote what you said to say what i loved most but honestly i just love it all. so true. i used to get really down about the bad days and such, but it could always be worse, and they are necessary to enjoy the good days :) hope you had a wonderful christmas!

  21. Great photo, but your message is even better. It made me smile and I'm in that weird post-holiday funk, so I really appreciate it.

  22. Oh the photo I just love it. I love the content of this post as well. I hope you guys had a very, very Merry Christmas friend!

  23. The picture wins the internet now and forever!

  24. omg this picture made my day, your husband is awesome.


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