
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

How to be me for Halloween

Stole this idea from Ali last year.
Be constantly draped in dogs

Believe that as long as your nails look presentable, you are managing just fine

Drink iced coffee daily regardless of outside temps

Act like an angry wild boar for 15 minutes in the morning, totally unprovoked

Wear sunglasses all the time, even on overcast days/in slight drizzle

Speak your mind and fuck it if someone doesn't like it

Be an unapologetic feminist and fuck it if someone doesn’t like it

Get shit done 

Second guess your commuting bag every day no matter what bag it is

Do better when you know better

When life is nuts sacrifice lower priority things without guilt

Celebrate your birthday all month

Tell people what you like about them

Plan ahead

Allow laundry to sit for days

Be on time

Give your dogs people names 

Don’t own jeans or heels

Know if it matters to you, it matters

Think in list form and also in song lyrics 

Find yourself always changing the toilet paper roll in your home and elsewhere because you live under the Toilet Paper Curse

Love the hell out of the people in your circle and make sure they know it

Be an encourager

Never miss an election 

Say no

Stretch as long as possible between hair washing, sometimes taking things too far

When you do wash your hair, air dry only and no hair products

Get up to see the sunrise

Talk and laugh about poop much more than you ever thought you would as an adult

Keep a pre-made meal in the freezer

Choose the colored shoes

Refuse to share only clean, curated photos because life is not clean or curated

Consider mascara, lipstick, and under eye concealer to be a full face of makeup

Decline straws

Protect your peace 

Know your weaknesses

Walk away from toxic people no matter who they are 

Volunteer when you can and donate what you can

Never go anywhere without a book and water

Change your sheets at least once a week

Frequently misplace your keys

How would someone be you for Halloween?

Happy Halloween from this bunch of happy sunflowers. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

TWTW - fall n'oreaster in the house

Friday was admiring how good my dogs have it, reading a book, prepping for Saturday, and painting my nails (OPI My Private Jet).

Saturday Campaigns don't stop for N'oreasters, so I was up baking power breakfast muffins for the crew by 7 (thanks Bruce for being the alarm) and at the office by 9:15. We did some phone banking and eating (thanks Mom for cooking lunch for everyone!) and door knocking in the rain and the five minutes of sun and the more rain. We took a break in shock over the anti-Semitic murders in Pittsburgh. I seriously don’t know what the fuck it will take for some people to see how white supremacy has been given a national stage under this administration and every single official in every single office who supports their agenda. Vote them all out. This is on us.
The shore was under water but we didn’t take any in on the ground floor. Whew. So nice to have someone down there who will check for us! Karen rocks.
Debbie and I went to see A Star is Born, which was really good but depressing AF - Debbie and I were crying, the man next to us was crying, the women behind us, everyone in the damn theater - so we came home and counteracted it with The Hangover because Bradley Cooper. I couldn't tell you the last time I went to the movie theater before this.
Sunday I got eight hours of sleep for the first time in a really long time. I woke up unsure of how to be. Auntie was busy with her adoring dogs who were pissed when we left to door knock. Trees on point near the campaign office.
I was home by 3 to send Debbie back off to NJ and get ready for a VIP work event I was running at the Union League at night. 
Weekly food prep: LOL. Ramen?

 How was yours? My brain is a wet noodle and I have to be firing on all cylinders every day until November 7. 

Friday, October 26, 2018

October 2018 Recommendations

Amazon links in this post are affiliate links, pennies earned go to running Show Us Your Books

1. Cheddar Jalapeno Cheetos - They're pure junk, about $3, and fucking delightful.

2. Read Audre Lord - Especially if you are a white feminist. She's got a ton of writing out there.
3. Zoya Odette - A great purple for fall if you're into seasonal nail polish. A great color all around if you're not.
4. Kleem Organics Eye Cream - I have tried over 50 eye creams in the past 10 years. I love this one. I don't use much, but eye cream is a must. At $22, this is a great price. And Bruce also approves.

5. Kleem Vitamin C Serum - While we're on the Kleem topic. I've been using this twice a day since April. It just ran out and I reordered along with a retinol cream that I hope is phenomenal as well but will need to use for a few months to report back on. Great price point for a Vitamin C serum - $24.

6. Seamless wirefree bra from True & Co - Yes, a bra recommendation from me and I hate bras. Allison mentioned these in May, and I gave one a try in June with her code. I got the everyday smoothing seamless wirefree - it's my favorite and I only want to wear these now. Straps don't slip, coverage is great, and I don't feel uncomfortable at any point during the day. Taking it off is not even the first thing i do when I get home. If you use that link you get $15 off and so do I.

7. Have a voting plan and VOTE on November 6. Then never miss an election again in your life - voting matters, EVERY TIME, not just in presidential election years. Not just in midterms. Not just in November - voting matters in primaries and off years and for the smallest local office you can find. It matters. Don't let a goddamn person tell you differently. If it didn't matter, people would not be trying like hell to suppress the rights of other people to vote.

What are you recommending this month?

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thursday Thoughts - you try and change me you can go to hell 'cause I don't want to be nobody else

1. I fucking love a riot of color. These trees by my house always make me stop and stare.
2. MFD finally scored a point in this season's Thermostat Wars by freaking out and putting the heat on Monday night. He came in at 73 right out of the gate and quickly fell behind in the game when it was immediately knocked back and then knocked back further when the house warmed up.
3. Philly looking lovely this week on my library walk and at the rally for Trans rights even though people should not have to rally to protect their existence. I am fucking over this bullshit. And any mealy mouth people out there going well they don't HAVE to just, shut up. Shut up. And the people saying nothing but who know trans is a thing - say something. Out loud. Shit or get off the pot. We belong to each other as human beings and we need to stand with people who are having their existence attacked.
4.  The Holocaust Memorial Plaza is finally complete. Swing by and have a look. The statue remains, this is just the addition.
5. About the attempted bombings, I'll share the statement from the Women's March team: "We are witnessing a coordinated effort to enact mass violence against political leaders and staunch critics of the administration in the United States. It is not a coincidence that these escalated acts of violence have followed verbal attacks from Donald Trump on the very people targeted, from Trump’s political opponents to a Holocaust survivor who has long been the fixation of anti-semitic conspiracy theories.

Death threats and rape threats — not to mention actual violence and murder — have become routine for far too many high-profile figures of the resistance, including every woman of color on the Women’s March leadership team. Just months ago, Vermont’s only black state legislator stepped down in a desperate attempt to stop the mounting death threats against her family.

These attempted bombings are part of an ongoing pattern of violence from right-wing extremists. The president’s rhetoric, and the right-wing extremist acts of violence that he himself has stoked, will not keep the majority of people who believe in democracy from exercising our right to free speech and taking action to defend our rights."

6. I worked from home yesterday and at lunch I ran some errands, including picking some stuff up at my mom's before mailing out SUYB prize mugs. Lola took some selfies of us.
7. Signs are in! And a little campaign life humor for you. Local friends, if you're not busy tonight come to the last fundraiser for MFD before Election Day - Thursday, 10/25 from 5:30 - 7:30 at Fergie's pub. Tickets are $35, get them here. Sign up to doorknock Saturday here and Sunday here - I'm pumped because Debbie will be down for the weekend to help, Angie and Rachael will be there, my mom is making lunch, and there will be three fierce progressive women out knocking for Mike Saturday as well - Liz Fiedler, Sara Innamorato, and Kerri Evelyn Harris.
8. When you work from home, you can wear the best clothes, mow the lawn and pick up dog poop while it's still light out, and make an actual dinner on the day you're going to eat it. I also put five bags/boxes out for Vietnam Vets to pick up this morning and started my third book this week. That hasn't happened in a while.
9.  Reminder: stay human. I see a lot of comments out there that let me know too many people are not choosing to keep their humanity. It kills me.

10. E-card of the week: and because of the above...

What appears after the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts is a song lyric to whatever I'm listening to when I start to write the post. This week is America's Sweetheart by Elle King.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

I think I've gotten comfortable being uncomfortable

I finished up work and put my computer away at 9:44 last night and sat down on the couch. MFD was actually home, which is rare in itself, and not on the phone, which is a fucking unicorn sighting.

We had a conversation, person to person, that wasn't about money or the business of living or work or the campaign but about life in general and feelings. We haven't spent time this year ruminating on our individual or joint dreams or our future or places we'd like to go. We've spent nine months in the trenches digging - digging deeper holes for ourselves, digging ourselves out of holes, tunneling forward, digging through walls to find other people working towards what we're working towards, digging out of avalanches others have caused, trying to avoid hitting each other with the debris. Just fucking digging.

Last night I asked if he thought I'd wake up the day after the election and feel comfortable. I have not felt comfortable anywhere at any point in the past nine months. I've experienced minutes, hours, or days where I've felt safe with my best people, but inside? Never comfortable.

He said he did think that I'd wake up on November 7 and feel comfortable.

Laura said the other day she's not sure how I'm doing this. At the beginning of February, I was a fucking mess. At various points through the year I answered how are you holding up with I’m not/this is hard/I hate this etc. By the end of October? I feel forged of steel. This is tiring and too much but it no longer feels consistently difficult. 

No matter who you are or what’s going on, life is simply a series of stages where you’re  trapped in a cocoon until you fight your way out as a butterfly. You’re stuck until you un-stick from what’s keeping you from flying.

Perhaps I've gotten very comfortable being uncomfortable.* I suspect the comfortable I knew before February will feel like clothes that have gotten too tight on November 7. We don't grow out of comfortable spaces. We grow in discomfort. We grow in the trenches. Nine months in the trenches is a lot of growth. I have a new comfort zone. I'm looking forward to testing out its edges.

Two more Tuesdays. What are you doing to help a local candidate you believe in get elected? If you're not sure what to do, let me know. I can help you. And Philly friends, if you're around Thursday night, come to the last fundraiser for MFD before Election Day - Thursday, 10/25 from 5:30 - 7:30 at Fergie's pub. Tickets are $35, get them here.

 By the way...I will never get comfortable being uncomfortable in shoes. This applies to internal growth only. 

Monday, October 22, 2018

TWTW - the one where the light bulbs were finally replaced

Friday was Sam's Club where it's Christmas already to pick up a few items for a Saturday event, home to walk Bruce, then back out to Target to get more stuff for Saturday as well as a few grocery items for me. Thank God for the Dollar Store being open close to 10 pm as well. Amen.
Saturday Campaign office by 9:15 where Bruce acted as office manager and I sent off morning volunteers before heading home at 11:30 where I found an awesome stress relief gift from my friend Alicia.
I portioned out candy corn in jars then headed downtown at 12:45 to set up for a fall family work event I was hosting at 3 at Franklin Square - lining craft tables, setting up with some BFF coworkers, and a really nice time from 3-7 with pizza and activities and homemade awesome ice cream from Little Baby's. I got to see the carousel in the dark as I was leaving, which is my favorite. Then I got stuck in the Constitution Center parking garage because the gate wouldn't go up and had to run back in like a lunatic from the silent parking garage that was straight out of a horror movie, had a greek yogurt dip incident all over my trunk, and took a selfie with Mae to celebrate surviving a full day on my feet actively engaged in professional person mode all day. Oh and Gus's tumor burst blood and pus all over the kitchen so that was waiting for me at home too. Still a mostly successful good day but tiring as fuck.

Sunday I knew I had a lot of communications and volunteer organizing stuff to work on for the campaign with two huge weekends coming up so I stayed home to do that in lieu of going to the office or knocking doors. My mom came by to bring us sustenance including danish and pick up postcards to work on and discussed making food for the campaign office the next two weekends. I put in 10+ hours on campaign work between 10 am - 11:30 pm and in between got a little sanity back in my house like putting Qtips and cotton balls in the holders that have been empty for two weeks, replacing four light bulbs that have been burned out for over a month, doing laundry so I have clean underwear, changing sheets, washing towels, switching two drawers from summer to winter (most of my clothes don't move, only shorts and lightweight pajamas get swapped for heavier PJs and long lounge pants), packing up SUYB prize mugs to mail out this week, painting my nails (Zoya Odette), and reading a little over lunch. I have been working so much and working almost full time hours on campaign stuff too the past two weeks so it was good to stay home and know that other things were getting done too.
Weekly food prep: everything is coming from the freezer, because some shit has been in there too long and some shit I neglected to label so it will basically be a grand surprise at lunch and dinner. I did make power breakfast muffins to freeze, a broccoli egg bake, and elderberry extract.

 How was yours? Have a super day.  

Friday, October 19, 2018

Four Hacks for a Family Getaway to London, UK

TGIF friends! We haven't been overseas since November 2016 and I'm itching to get back. London is on my list, it was originally part of that 2016 trip but ended up being swapped out for Scotland. This post is from James Daniels, a freelance writer, business enthusiast, a bit of a tech buff, and an overall geek. He is also an avid reader, so that's tops in my book.


London, England has been well known to citizens around the world for hundreds of years. Not too long ago a huge portion of the world was under their control! They were one of the greatest seats of power, and today their city is something to behold. From old, stunning streets to some of the greatest museums in the world, there is no shortage of things to do and see in London. To truly enjoy your trip, however, there are a few things you need to know beforehand:

1. Stay Under Budget in the Expensive Capital 
As you might have heard, London is expensive. It is home to more than 10 million residents and is a major tourist attraction to people around the world. Combined, it can become quite pricey, but it doesn’t have to be. To start, know how to get around. The Underground and transport system is complex and wide, meaning you can get to nearly every destination on your itinerary with ease. What’s more, there is also a daily cap limit on your journeys, meaning you will likely never spend more than £6.80 within zones 1 – 2 (where most tourists stay and explore).

Other ways to stay under budget is to eat at markets instead of fancy restaurants, choose pubs over bars, and, of course, enjoy any of the plethora of free things to do and see.

2. How to Skip the Tourist Traps and Enjoy the Real London 
There are some activities that are worthwhile, and others that are the typical tourist trap experience. The London Eye, for example, is not the only way nor the best way to see London’s skylines. There are plenty of rooftop bars to enjoy better views for less available; you just need to book ahead of time.

In terms of finding the “real London,” you don’t have to go far. Markets are a huge hit with the locals, and the best way to explore what makes London, London is to go to key areas and simply explore. 

3. Top Activities Families Cannot Miss
There are so many family-friendly activities in London to enjoy. Nearly all the museums are free to enter; there are markets, zoos, aquariums, and, of course, musicals. London is a hot spot for the theater, so don’t forget to pick up some tickets for your choice of children’s musicals London during your trip. Musicals are a memorable experience for everyone, and with choices available for toddlers right up to adults, there is something perfect to enthrall your whole family.

4. Don't Try to Do Everything
London is a huge city. It has many different boroughs with many different faces. You can go and enjoy the posh areas of Kensington and Chelsea, or go to the hip areas of Hackney and now Peckham. The point is that you will not be able to do everything, even if you lived in the city for years. Instead, pick and choose what you want to do. If you don’t care to go into Buckingham Palace, don’t. There are so many different hot spots to explore so you can enjoy your perfect trip.

London is a great place for a family getaway. It is beautiful, fun, and interesting. There is something for everyone so just remember to cater your trip to what your family likes best. 


Additions, people who live in London or have visited London?

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday Thoughts - I've been stumblin' on good hearts turned to stone

1. Every year on the first fall day where I need some type of outerwear, it never fails that I lose all recollection of what outerwear I actually own and end up leaving the house with nothing and being cold all day. This year that was Tuesday. And again today because I forgot that it's chilly in the morning now and could be all day. I don't have one piece of my shit together right now - I thought I ordered a baby shower gift Saturday and never fucking pushed purchase and there it was in my cart LOL.

2. Tuesday night Bruce and I drove to the shore for less than 24 hours to secure some outdoor items and ferry some things there and back like a coffee pot and some other stuff for the campaign office. So I started Wednesday like this.

3. And spent my lunch walk like this.
4. I always pick up broken shells and end up keeping a lot of them, including this one. I think they are a good representation of how humans are - broken in spots, weathered, interesting, beautiful.

5. Bruce keeps getting my sleep mask out of my bedside drawer and carrying it around the house. This dog. But anyhoo I had to open a new one last night and thought I'd show you because it's the best.

6. In lieu of talking about anything that's happening on a national level politically today, I'm going to ask for this from every person. The more I see people comment on things online that they do not need to comment on simply so they can punch down on other people, the more I worry about the future because when these dickstick politicians are gone, we all still remain here as neighbors. I don't consider myself nice or even kind, but I am 100% cognizant of being a human being on this earth sharing experiences with other human beings and try to act like I am cognizant of that. I don't do this well every day but I try every day. Do you? Will you?

7.  I ran out to drop postcards off to a crew of ladies having a postcard party last night and I laughed my ass off at this cone dog for quite a while.

8. I need you, door knockers! If you want to see me I'll be there early on Saturday and both shifts on Sunday. Sign up for Saturday here (four shift options) and Sunday here (two shift options). I need people, so people in the PA/NJ area, please spread the word to any of your friends! Thanks to Steph and Justin in MN, Mush in CA, Amber in SC, our BFF Michelle, my mom and aunt Lori for taking on postcards. Thanks to Amanda and her Mom and Dawn for volunteering to make phone calls - anyone else want to make phone calls for MFD? I can get you a script and numbers! Hit me up.

9.  Reminder:

10. E-card of the week:

For those that don't know, what appears after the hyphen in Thursday Thoughts is a song lyric to whatever I'm listening to when I start to write this post. Going forward, I will link the song in case you don't know it. This is We Take Care of Our Own.